Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

wordless Wednesday

Matt WW January 23 2019 (©Bell Fur Zoo)

Over & Out,


(Dis were actually befur we took da decorashuns down and I nose I nose I need mah toe nails cuts in dis picsur buts it are not mah favorite activity but rest assured Mama & Daddy did give them a trim Yes it’s a team actvity!! Winking smile)

Friday, January 11, 2019

Happy Late New Year

Sawry we has been MIA. Mama has been plagued wif da migraines for some unknown reason since da day before Christmas Eve. Probably dis back & forth weather dat FL loves to give us in “winter” buts anywho we are gonna try to get back into da swing of fings on days dat her feels good.

So wif out further ado here are some cutey tootey picsurs Mama took of moi wif her new camera…you read dat right her gots a new flashy beast and lawd help us cause her is so eggcited to take a bazillion picsurs of us….

Oh nose here her comes…

Matt & Matilda January 9th-1

Do not engage…

Matt & Matilda January 9th-2

Nope side eye..

Matt & Matilda January 9th-3

Nopedy nope nope….

Matt & Matilda January 9th-4


Matt & Matilda January 9th-5

Dear sweet baby Jesus ya gots da shot Mama!!!

Does ya see what’s I has been putting up wif!

Over & Out,
