Friday, October 26, 2018

Flower Friday & No Tricks Just Treats

Flower Friday - Bradford Pear (©Bell Fur Zoo)

We haven’t had much pawretty flowers in da yard lately but our Bradford Pears started thier Fall blooms and they are very pawretty to look at.


We has two shelters locally. One is run by da county and one is a safe animal shelter.

They both has awesome volunteers and when they needs somefing they announce it on their social media or it’s on their sign in front of their building. This helps Mama a lot cause her can look at da sign on da way to town and grab whatefur they needs. Mama also loves when they link an Amazon wish list on social media cause then her can get whatefur they need to them wif a quickness (gotta love prime shipping)!!

Sign of needs (© Bell Fur Zoo)

Da one fur da county is very lucky beclaws they has a great group of people who are volunteers who has social media pages fur da dogs and one fur da cats and they help get da word out when they are getting really low on stuffs or if da shelter is getting too full and needs fosters ASAP since dat one is not a no kill shelterSad smile. This group also raises money to make sure any dog dat comes in gets necessary vet treatment and if they has heartworms it is treated befur they are adopted out. Mama donates monies to them at least once a year to help wif da costs and when they puts out a ASAPlease fur supplies her tries to gets to da store lickity split to get it to them.

treats no tricks (© Bell Fur Zoo)

We also donate tennis balls to both shelters. Daddy has a friend who plays da tennis and when the balls quit being as bouncy he brings them to Daddy. Sometimes Daddy comes home wif two giant boxes full and Mama splits them up between da shelters.

Another great fing to donate especially dis time of year is da $4-5 blankets they has a Walmart efury year dat has all da cute animals on them. They are usually on a big end cap or in da middle of an isle. Mama scoops up a bunch and divides them between da shelters so the kitties and doggies (and sometimes even goats, cows, piggy's and horses) has a nice warm spot to rest their cute little heads when it’s cooler outside. 

We just love giving to our furiends and we hope they all find da bestest homes efur like we did.


Matt & Matilda


  1. Helping out like that is a most wonderful and loving thing!

  2. What grreat things to do for your local shelters!

  3. Matt and Matilda
    What a fine collection of much needed supplies for your local shelter. One can never EVER no never have too much litter.
    Hugs Cecilia and Angel Madi

  4. What beautimous pear blooms, and even more important what PAWESOME ways to help our local shelters....YOU ROCK!!!
    Rosy, Jakey, Arty

  5. What wonderful things you and your Mama do to help the shelters!! ♥
    Our closest shelter is pretty far away, so I usually collect things up for a while and then take them over. Right now I have a pile of old beds ready to go, so I need to make that trip soon!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. What a pawsome donation for the shelters!

  7. You guys are wonderful to be such great help to your local shelters!
    Paws up to you!
    Hazel & Mabel
