OMD OMC we has not blogged since the 7th….This month has just gotten away from us.
Momma had the migraines wif dis crazy FL weather.. Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold…get it together FL it’s winter!!!!
We took turns Mama sitting while her did not feel well.

And beclaws we were such good nurses she got some some treats from our local pet bakery. Tilda took off wif hers so no picsurs of hers.

Then Momma were Cat sitting fur Gram and Pap while they were out of town and their cat Noisy hurt his back somehow. Momma had to spend several nights wif him at their house cause he was not letting her out of his sight. Him is doing lots better now but still in a bit of pain. Please pawray that him gets lots better wif a quickness.

Mama said she will try to do better da rest of dis week blogging buts she is gonna have to be running back & forth to Gram & Pap’s even though they are home now just to check on Noisy and getting some last minute Chrissymas stuffs.
Matt & Matilda
Christmas Card Count:
Us = 25
The Parentals & Brudder = 7