Oh nose ya don't Horton dis are a photo shoot fur just me and my buddy Mr. Cat in da Hat...
Dat's betters!! I love him so much buts Mama says I are not allowed to destuff him...
Smile Pawretty Mr. Cat so we can has some of them there yummy treats Mama gots...

Okay dats enough cuddling move out the way Mr Cat...now Mama hand over da treats.
I don't want no parts of a photo shoot wif another cat..nah ah no way jose Mama...
I don't nose why you are furiends wif dat kitty cat Horton when you has me. I are all you need...you hear me!!! Are you even listening???
I mean him is so shady...just look at him creeping on our conversation...

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss🎂
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you. Shout aloud, I am glad to be what I am. Thank goodness I'm not a ham, or a clam, or a dusty old jar of gooseberry jam. I am what I am, what a great thing to be. If I say so myself, happy everyday to me!”~ Dr. Seuss
Matt & Matilda
Sorry we has been MIA from da blog dis month. Mama has had a rough start to 2020 wif da migraines. Her went to da eye doctor last week and gots a new scriptions but her has not got her new glasses yet so her is using her reading glasses in da mean time which are still her old scription. Her might has to have another type of eye test done soon cause her has big nerves/blood vessels in her eyeballs.
Today her is going to a new noggin doctor so keep your paws crossed him can help or at least point her in da right direction. Hopefully her is able to get these under control so her can get back to her dogetary/catetary duties soon. In da mean time her will pop on when her can and do a little bit but her has to limit her screen time to tiny chunks at a time cause it makes her eyes hurt.