Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tongue Out Tuesday

TOT July 31 (©Bell Fur Zoo)

This is just one of da funnies from our photo shoot the udder day dat was really supposed to be fur human brudder buts I are a camera hog what can I say.. Winking smile



Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wordless Wednesday

Matt WW July 25 (©Bell Fur Zoo)

Matt WW July 25-2 (©Bell Fur Zoo)

Matt WW July 25-3 (©Bell Fur Zoo)

Guess who furgot da cookies….Guess who was not pawticipating in da photoshoot wifout da cookies…


Over & Out,


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

yappy 4th of July

July 4th Matt & Matilda (©Bell Fur Zoo)

We hope you has a yappy 4th of July!!

Mama also did a Christmas in July picsur wif Santa. Him was taking us around to see all the flashy fireworks and dis are the only kind of way I likes to see them… ~Matt

Matt & Matilda Christmas in July (©Bell Fur Zoo)


Matt & Matilda


Backgrounds are from Image-Ination by Rowena. First one is from her faceybook group dat Mama are in & the other one Mama bought from her Etsy shop.