Mama noticed I had some kitty treasures stucks to my booty yesterday.
She was like "Tilda what are you doing in your litter box?" and I was all "It's my litter box so mind your bees wax and let me live with my treasured up butts!!"
She tried using kitty wipes, my hairs brush, warm wash cloths...nothing would gets it off and I was getting mads at hers.
I telled her to just leaves it I would gets it. But she said I stunks to high heavens.
Well a couple hours later Mom went to gets her shower. Ya'll know I loves to play in waters. When Mom turns the sink on I am all about it. When Mom runs her bath I am front and center putting my paws in too make sure it's not too hots fur her. When Mom runs her shower I stand there and watch the water and when Mom gets out I bolt in to lay in the nice warm left over water....
she picked my fluffy butt up and put me in wif her. I tried to head butt the door open but she held it closed. I yelled fur Dad but I could hear him chuckling from the living room...
What The Fluff Dad way to have my back!!!
I spit, panted and even pretended like I might puke. I cried to the top of my lungs. Mom said I was worse then a four year old who would rather stay dirty fureva then has a baff!!
Finally it was all over and Dad came and saved me. REALLY Dad now you save me!!
I hates you all..just leaves me alone wif my shoes!!
I is all clean and even returned to the scene of the crime to play in the warm left over waters but I will tell you one thing I will be tip toeing in that litter box. No more treasures on my furs. NO ma'am cause that is not happening eva again....
The Pawrentals better sleep wif one eye open for a few weeks cause vengeance is coming.