To that time I “fell” in the bafftub while momma was taking a baff.
This are where I was sitting which I always does when Momma is taking her baff. I like to play wif the bubbles and splash in the water ya nose.
I was just sittin’ there playing in da waters when all of a sudden I was in da baff wif momma!!!
Momma was screaming for Daddy cause I couldn’t get a good grip to get out and she couldn’t get me out cause I was loosing my mind and scratching her like crazy.
It was so traumatic ya’ll!!!
Now guys this happened not too long after sisser Ginger had gone to da bridge…
And ya nose whats I finks hers was playing a trick on me and pushed me in!!!
Yep dat are what I finks!!
Well it wasn’t funny sisser not one bit!!!!