Sawry we was absent from the bloggy last week. Angel Ginger’s barkday was on the 6th and Momma was a little lots sad.

It’s hard though beclaws human brudders birthday is the 7th so Momma was torn between being all sads and all happys. So hers allowed fur the sadness but then quickly put on her big girl britches fur some celebrating.
Brudder wanted to go his favorite museum for his birthday.

Then we had yummy cake.

And cans you believe it brudder got two parties so he got two cakes..him is so lucky! 

We also had yummy pizza. Me and Tilda were living it up I tell ya! 
Mom still gets a little teary about sisser Ginger buts I sits wif her and comforts her.

Don’t tells Daddy though cause I’s nots allowed on the couch. BOL
Over & Out,