Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tilda Talks

Tilda Talks question

Okay as ya’ll nose I has been being a little Ornery BAD when I go to da dogtor the past couple years. If ya does not nose then read dis:

I Was Hissin’ & A Bitin’

It was not pawretty…

So Mama & my dogtor Julie talked last time she was at da vet wif Matt about maybe giving me sumfing to helps dis year. Mama went and picked up da meds yesterday cause my appointment is at the end of da month. Well of course Mama went to googlin smooglin and now her is freaked out even though her trust dogtor Julie very much!!!

Ya see I does not take medicine fur anything. My bio kitty Mama passed away during her hysterectomy and it totally devastated Auntie Trice and da dogtor who said he had nefur had dat happen. Then my bio kitty sisfur passed away during child birth and so did all her babies…soooo sad. Crying face Now my bio kitty brudder well him ran off and we fink him is living da good life wif my bio Daddy’s family. Anywho long story even longer Mama is freaked when it comes to anyfing medical wif me cause of my kitty mama and sisfur. I did good fur my hysterectomy buts dat are all da surgery I has had and the only time I took da good meds dat make ya sleepy & stuffs.

Sooooo Mama needs to nose does any of ya’ll has Ornery Da Hissin’ & A Bitin’ kind kitties when ya’ll go to da dogtor and does they take medicine or has ya’ll found any other stuffs dat works.




  1. I wish I had some advice sweetie but we are all super good at the Vet place.

  2. With a history like that, no wonder no one wants to take medicine!

    Our Auntie took her cat in a pillow case. When she went into the vet's, that bag was flailing and there was a fearful screaming and growling, so she didn't even have to wait in the nearly full waiting room, they went straight in.....MOL! Good luck at the vet's.

  3. Matilda...thank you for visiting us today and for your kind comments.
    I don't have to take meds to go to the doctor. I'm very calm there BUT BUT BUT hold the line. I am 200% horrid at taking pills. OMCS I'm 15 1/2 and never had to take a pill until last fall when I had a UTI, and now I have to take one every so often and Mom says you would think a 178 lb man (dad) could hold one 7.4 oz kitty while she pries open my mouth BUT NOPE I'm a fierce tiger then. I get a shot once a week no problem and I have to do SUBQs everyother day no problem BUT don't try to give me a pill. If Mom had to pill me to take me to the vet she'd need a pill first.
    Maybe if you are worried about the pill you could try 1/2 dose just to get you chilled.
    Good luck sweet friend,
    Hugs Tigeress Madi

  4. We have ornery dogs and we found that prayer doesn't hurt

  5. Sorry Tilda, we have no advice bit mom totally understands about worrying.
    Sometimes googling stuff just causes more worry and you can't be sure if what you read is the right stuff
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. We know exactly how your Mom feels; though for us it was with our dog Luke. He won't even let anyone get close to him without completely freaking out. I did the google thing about the drugs too and that does not help. Ultimately we trusted our vet and did it, but he needed even more drugs when we got there because the ones he got ahead of time didn't help much. In the end it was all OK, but the truth is, I'm not sure I want to do it all again because he was SO out of it that night afterwards that I worried a lot, and seeing him so scared and upset when we were there is so difficult (as your Mom knows). But I'm also not sure what else we could do. That probably wasn't much help was it?
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. The mom has been giving Zoey gabapetin before a vet visit because she usually is a holy terror at the vet. It's a pain medication. It causes sedation, but makes kitties feel like they just don't care about anything. It works for Zoey. The vet was actually able to pick her up, and that is a first. Vets are using it more and more with cats. We're not sure what your vet prescribed for you, Matilda, but your mom could ask about gabapetin. (The usual dose is 50mg or 100mg [depending on the size of the cat] given about 2 hours before the vet visit.)

  8. I use calming collars on some of my cats, they are very safe. They have phermones like in Feliway and a lavendar scent. You can get them at Chewy or any pet store.

  9. Thanks fur all da input. Mama finks her is just gonna try to give me half da dose of da medicine Dr. Julie gave me if I will takes it cause it's in pill form and see how I does. Hers read dat da full dose could make me groggy all da day and her does nots want dat. Her just wanted me to be chill so I could get my physical examination since I missed out on dat last year when I was a hissin' & a bitin'....Mama will report back after my appointment at the end of da month and let ya'll nose how it goes :)

